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Case Study: Transforming Customer Service at First Choice Homes for 450 Staff

Background: First Choice Homes, a leading housing association, recognised the pivotal role customer service plays in maintaining a competitive edge and fostering customer loyalty whilst improving lives.  With a workforce of 450 employees, the company aimed to enhance its customer service experience to exceed client expectations, ensuring sustainable growth and reputation management.


  1. Identify Customer Service Gaps: Elliott Training conducted a thorough assessment of the existing customer service framework to pinpoint areas of improvement.
  2. Design Comprehensive Training Programs: We then worked with First Choice Homes to develop various tailored training modules to equip all 450 staff members with the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver exceptional customer service.  Roles within the organisation varied so it was important we addressed each one individually.
  3. Establish Performance Metrics: We defined key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success and impact of the customer service program.

Elliott Training Approach:

  1. Conduct a Customer Service Audit:
    • We engaged with key stakeholders to understand client expectations and concerns.
    • We conducted surveys and feedback sessions to identify pain points in the existing customer service model.
    • We analysed historical data to identify trends and areas requiring immediate attention.
  2. Customised Training Programs:
    • Collaborated with industry experts to design specialised training modules for different departments including customer facing staff, call handlers/office based.
    • Implemented role-specific training sessions to address unique challenges faced by various teams.
    • Focused on soft skills, communication techniques, and conflict resolution to enhance customer interactions.
  3. Delivery:
    • Over a 12-month period, Elliott Training delivered a mix of virtual, face to face, half day, full day sessions.
  4. Performance Measurement:
    • Established KPIs, including customer satisfaction scores, response times, and issue resolution rates.
    • Implemented regular performance assessments and feedback sessions to monitor individual and team progress.
    • Utilised data analytics to track the impact of the customer service program on business metrics.


  1. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction:
    • Customer satisfaction scores increased by 20% within the first six months of program implementation.
    • Positive feedback from clients highlighted improved responsiveness and personalised service.
  2. Employee Engagement:
    • Staff members reported increased job satisfaction and confidence in handling customer interactions.
    • Ongoing training programs fostered a culture of continuous improvement and learning.
  3. Financial Impact:
    • Improved customer retention and positive word-of-mouth contributed to a 15% increase in new business inquiries.
    • The enhanced customer service model positively impacted the company’s bottom line, reflecting a return on investment.

Conclusion: First Choice Homes successfully transformed its customer service approach, establishing a culture of excellence and responsiveness among its 450-strong workforce.  The combination of tailored training, and performance measurement led to tangible improvements in customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and financial performance. The success of this program positioned First Choice Homes as an industry leader committed to delivering a first-class customer experience.