Course Duration: – 1 Day
Overview of the Course
This course aims to provide a solid foundation in the use of Adobe Photoshop to edit and manipulate images for those who are new to the product. By the end of the course you will be familiar with the Photoshop interface and know what all the common tools do. Emphasis will be placed on applying practical techniques whilst ensuring the user develops an efficient working style.
Getting Started
- Exploring the Photoshop environment
- Customising the Workspace
- Navigation and views
- Using Bridge
- File types
- Using the Undo function and History panel
Working with image selections
- Selection Techniques
- Saving/Loading selections
- Copying and pasting selections
- Modifying selections
Working with layers
- Creating layers
- Duplicating layers
- Filtering and grouping layers
- Using Type layers
- Using layer effects
- Adding shapes
- Placing guides and using grids
Working with colours
- Controlling the foreground and background colours
- Using the eyedropper tool
- Filling an area with the Paint Bucket tool
- Applying gradient and pattern fills
Adjusting images
- Image modes
- Image adjustment options
- Adjustment layers
- Manipulating masks
Retouching images
- Repairing image defects
- Using content aware tools
- Cloning elements
- Working with paint and colours
- Using the erasers
- Enhancing and distorting images with filters and warping tools
Resizing images
- Adjusting image resolution
- Changing image canvas size
Preparing finished images
- Saving images for web and print
- Outputting optional