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Our Leadership and Management courses inspire new levels of performance by utilising the latest thinking and best practices. We offer a wide range of training programmes to help managers and leaders at all levels unlock their full potential.

The Heart of Leadership course focuses on developing core leadership skills such as self-awareness, integrity, and strategic thinking. Participants will gain insights into their own leadership style and how to motivate and inspire their teams.

The Leading and Developing High Performing Teams training helps managers build cohesive, productive teams. Through exercises and discussions, they will learn how to set clear expectations, manage conflict, encourage collaboration, and fully utilise each team member’s strengths.

The Identify Talent programme teaches how to spot high-potential employees and nurture their growth. Managers will explore mentoring, stretch assignments, and other development opportunities to retain and elevate top talent.

Emotional Intelligence training focuses on understanding emotions and motivating others. Participants will learn how to read body language, manage stress, show empathy, and give constructive feedback. This promotes stronger relationships and communications.

Finally, the Coaching course develops mentoring abilities for one-on-one guidance and motivation. Managers will practice active listening, asking powerful questions, and fostering employee ownership and accountability.

With our wide range of Leadership and Management training courses, companies can build the strong, strategic leaders they need for success.