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Managing Conflict Within your Team 

Conflicts at work can arise for a variety of reasons, whether it’s differences in opinion, personality clashes, or competing priorities. However, when conflicts go unaddressed, they can have negative consequences. That’s why managing conflict within your team is crucial for maintaining a healthy work environment and promoting mutual understanding among team members.  In this blog … Continued

How to Write a Business Case

A good business case is often the key to getting the buy in you need for projects. It’s a document, first created during the project initiation phase, which lays out all the details of a project, from its benefits and risks, to the technical solutions needed. It should justify any expenditure, time investment, or risk … Continued

5 Reasons Companies Need Corporate Training

Training and Employee Development Companies have long offered skill development opportunities to companies—but why are these needed? And are they worth it? If you want to know what we think: we simply believe that investing in your staff’s development is always going to be worth some time and expense. Of course, as a training company, … Continued